Site de test d'I.A

Aides à l’enseignant pour l’apprentissage (suite 7)

V. L’évaluation

Demander à ChatGPT de devenir un questionneur adaptatif

1) Cet exemple de conversation en anglais permet d’élaborer un questionnaire progressif pour l’élève mais également un outil d’évaluation par l’élève lui-même.

« J’essaie d’améliorer mon anglais. Posez-moi une question en anglazis et continuez à me poser des questions adaptées pour que je m’améliore ».

Great! What’s your name and where are you from?


My name is Jacques and I am French

Great! What kind of activities do you enjoy doing in your free time, Jacques?


I am retired and I am doing new technologies studies

That’s great to hear! What kind of new technologies are you studying?


Informatic, AI, wordpress

Great! What specific areas within these topics are you interested in learning more about?


For AI: ChatGPT, For WordPress building Internet sites

Great! What kind of websites are you interested in building using WordPress? Personal blogs, e-commerce sites, corporate websites, or something else?


Any type of sites but especially sites on Fly fishing, e-commerce, art

That’s great! Here are some questions for you to practice your English:

  1. Have you built any websites before?
  2. What is your favorite aspect of building websites?
  3. What are some challenges you’ve faced while building websites?
  4. Can you share some tips for designing a successful e-commerce website?
  5. What inspired you to focus on fly fishing, e-commerce, and art websites?

1. Yes, Espacenet site for patents,

2. Finding solutions and plugins,

3. CSS and Javascript implementation,

4. Improving product pictures,

5. For fly fishing : How to ty flies,
For e-commerce : How to implement the different products,
For art : how to provide the right art school explanation

Great, those are all good areas to focus on! Here are some additional questions to help you continue improving your English:

  1. How do you typically go about finding solutions and plugins for building websites?
  2. Have you learned any new CSS or Javascript techniques recently?
  3. Can you explain some of the key elements of a successful e-commerce site?
  4. Have you ever gone fly fishing? If so, where did you go and what was your experience like?
  5. What is your favorite art school and why?

Sorry, it is very late now in France, I would like to go sleeping. We could continue later tomorrow. Good night

Of course, no problem at all! Get some good rest and we can continue our conversation tomorrow. Sleep well!


Thank you very much…

You’re welcome! Sleep well, and feel free to reach out to me anytime you have more questions. Have a great night!

2) Dans cet exemple on introduit le niveau de compétence de l’élève afin que ChatGPT adapte les questions par rapport à ce niveau (débutant, intermédiaire ou confirmé)

« J’essaie d’améliorer mon anglais. Posez-moi une question en anglais en tenant compte de mon niveau (débutant, intermédiaire ou confirmé) et continuez à me poser des questions adaptées pour que je m’améliore ».

Bien sûr ! Commençons par une question adaptée à votre niveau débutant :

  • What’s your name?

Ensuite, voici une question pour un niveau intermédiaire :

  • What do you usually do on weekends?

Et enfin, une question pour un niveau confirmé :

  • How do you think technology is changing the way we communicate and interact with each other?

My name is Jacques

Great, Jacques! Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? Where are you from and what do you do?


Please may I ask you to adapt our discussion according to my English level?

Noter que je lui ai explicitement demandé d’adapter ses questions à mon niveau de connaissance de l’anglais.

Of course, I’ll adjust my language and questions to match your level of English proficiency. Let’s start with some basic questions:

What is your native language?



Great! How long have you been studying English?


6 years

Great! Can you tell me a little bit about your favorite things to do in French?


1) Peinture et dessin

2) Informatique et nouvelles technologies

Noter que volontairement j’ai répondu à sa demande en français. Bien évidemment il comprend mais j’aurais pu lui dire que je ne connais pas le mot en anglais. Ceci dit il donne la traduction dans sa réponse.

Great! Let’s start with some questions related to painting and drawing:


  • What is your favorite color to use when painting?
  • What kind of subjects do you like to draw?
  • Do you prefer using pencils or paints?


  • Can you describe the difference between oil and acrylic paints?
  • Have you ever tried using charcoal for drawing? If so, what do you like or dislike about it?
  • What techniques have you learned for creating depth and perspective in your artwork?


  • How do you approach color theory when creating a painting?
  • Have you ever experimented with mixed media in your artwork? If so, what was your favorite combination?
  • How do you go about critiquing your own artwork and identifying areas for improvement?


. Blue,

. Landscape,

. Charcol

Great! Here are some questions for you to practice:

  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Do you prefer painting landscapes or portraits?
  3. Have you tried using charcoal for drawing before? How did it go?

1. Blue

2. Both

3. Yes. I use to draw using charcoal. It is for me like painting using only the black and grey nuance

Great, it sounds like you have some experience with drawing and painting. Let’s continue with some more questions:


  1. Have you ever tried using watercolors?
  2. What kind of landscapes do you like to paint?
  3. Do you have any favorite artists or styles that inspire your work?

1. Yes

2. Sea and mountain landscapes

3. Paul Cezanne

Great! Here are some follow-up questions:

  1. What type of blue do you like to use in your paintings?
  2. What do you like to capture in your sea and mountain landscapes?
  3. What is it about Paul Cezanne’s work that you admire?

1. Primary blue

2. The atmosphere

3. The Montagne Sainte Victoire. Let me ask you to show me the complementary colours.

Sure, the complementary color of blue is orange. The complementary color of primary blue would be a mixture of red and green, which results in a shade of gray.

Note: Pour ceux qui connaissent les mélanges des couleurs cette réponse est erronée: Rouge et vert donnera du marron et non pas un gris. Quant à l’orange il est obtenu par un mélange de rouge et de jaune.


Could you show me that ?

Certainly! The complementary color of blue is orange. To find complementary colors, you can use a color wheel, which shows the relationships between colors. The color opposite to blue on the color wheel is orange. When these two colors are placed next to each other, they create a high-contrast, vibrant effect.


Where to find the wheel ?

You can easily find a color wheel online by searching on Google or any other search engine. You can also find it on design websites, art supply stores, or in design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. Here’s a link to a simple online color wheel:


Please could you give me the google URL for wheel colour?

Certainly! You can access the color wheel on Google by searching “color wheel” or by using this URL:

3) Dans cet exemple on demande à ChatGPT de nous corriger

Now I would like to know if you can correct me when something goes wrong or when I make some mistake (spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, etc) while discussing

Of course, I can help you with that! Just let me know if you have any specific requests for feedback, or if you would like me to correct any errors that I notice.


Je repose donc ma question différemment: « J’essaie d’améliorer mon anglais.

1) Posez-moi une question en anglais en tenant compte de mon niveau (débutant, intermédiaire ou confirmé)

2) Corrigez-moi lorsque je fais une erreur ou proposez-moi une autre façon de le dire,

3) continuez à me poser des questions adaptées pour que je m’améliore ».

Noter que la question est posée à la fois en anglais et en français. Ca ne pose aucun problème à ChatGPT pour comprendre qu’il s’agit bien d’un exercice en anglais.

Bien sûr, je suis là pour vous aider à améliorer votre anglais. Commençons avec une question adaptée à votre niveau débutant :

What is your name?



Great, Jacques! Let’s continue with some questions to help you improve your English.

Beginner Level Question: What is your favorite color?

Intermediate Level Question: What do you like to do in your free time?

Advanced Level Question: Can you tell me about a project you have worked on in the past and the impact it had?



Great! What do you like about the color blue? Is it a color you often use in your artwork?


Je ne comprends pa artwork

“Artwork” signifie “œuvre d’art” en français.

Noter l’aide de ChatGPT en temps réel malgré les fautes de frappe ou d’orthographe


Yes blue is my favourite colour I often use

Sorry, it seems that your response got cut off. Could you please provide more information about what you often use?

Noter que ChatGPT a compris que la réponse était incomplète


The blue colour

Great! Do you have a specific shade of blue that you prefer or use more frequently


Primary blue PB15

That’s correct! PB15, also known as Phthalo Blue, is a common pigment used in many art supplies to create the primary blue color.

ChatGPT répond correctement et connait les couleurs primaires


I often use primary colours. Why are you using color instead of colour. Please I don’t use American language but English

I apologize for the confusion. You are correct that “colour” is the correct spelling in British English, while “color” is used in American English. As an AI language model, I default to American English spelling, but I will make sure to use the appropriate spelling for your level of English in our conversation. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Noter que ChatGPT est américain et je lui demande de répondre en anglais.


Yes, please tell me when we continue chatting if on your reply or questions you could :first tell me if:

1) My sentence is correct,

2) To correct me or to propose another way to say

Sure, I can definitely do that for you. When I reply or ask questions, I will let you know if your sentence is correct and if there are any errors, I will provide the corrected version or suggest another way to say it.


Then we continue chatting. I said I would like you to help me in English. I resume our conversation : I used to paint using the primary colours

Great! Your sentence is grammatically correct.

To make it sound a bit more natural, you could say: “I would appreciate your help with my English. As we were discussing earlier, I often paint using primary colors.”


Could you continue to ask me questions ?ChatGPT

Sure! Here’s a question: Have you ever tried using other color palettes or color schemes in your artwork, aside from primary colors?


Yes but a limited numbers of colours because using and mixing the primary colour you can obtain any other type of colour. Please don’t forget I asked you to correct me for helping me and I don’t want to ask you every time for every sentence I give you

Noter que je lui demande de mémoriser un critère de ma demande et de le conserver dans son historique pour la suite de la conversation

Sure, I will keep that in mind and let you know if there are any mistakes or suggest better ways to phrase your sentences.

Can you tell me more about your favorite landscape to paint? Do you have a particular place that inspires you?


Not really. It could be sea or mountain landscapes. Please correct me and continue chatting

Sure! Here’s a corrected version of your sentence: “Not really, it could be a seascape or a mountain landscape.”

What kind of mountains do you like to paint? Do you prefer rocky or forested landscapes?


Both, could be a mixture of. Please correct me or tell me another way to say and continue chatting

Your sentence is grammatically correct. Another way to express this could be: “It could be a combination of both sea and mountain landscapes.”

So, do you prefer to paint from real life or from your imagination?


I prefer from life. For example when I draw I prefer to draw from life and not from picture or image.

Your sentence is correct! If I were to suggest another way to say it, it would be: “I prefer to draw from real-life objects instead of using pictures or images as references.”

Continuing with our conversation, that’s great to hear that you prefer to draw from life! What kinds of things do you like to draw from life?


I don’t know the terms in English and I will mix french words on my response but you could help me I will answer the following : I like to draw modèles vivants.

Noter une demande d’aide en temps réel pour un problème de vocabulaire.

In English, “modèles vivants” can be referred to as “live models” or “life models.” So, a correct way to say it in English would be, “I like to draw live models.”


Thank you then I like to draw life models

Great job! Here’s a corrected version of your sentence: “I like to draw from life models.”

Now, can you tell me about a specific artwork or drawing that you have created in the past? What was it about, and what inspired you to create it?


I particularly remember a portrait of Christ that I did in pastel. I didn’t have a model and I went on the Internet to see what was available. I selected some images that were supposed to be of Christ. I used a black and white image as a starting point for my painting and invented the colours.

Great job with your sentence! Here’s a corrected version with a few small adjustments:

“I particularly remember a pastel portrait of Christ that I drew. Since I didn’t have a model to work from, I searched online for reference images. I selected a few images that were supposed to be of Christ, and used a black and white image as a starting point for my painting. I then invented the colors myself.”

Well done! Do you have any questions you’d like to ask me, or would you like me to continue asking you questions?


Thank you very much. We stop for the moment because it is the lunch time. We could continue later

No problem at all. Enjoy your lunch! We can continue our conversation later. Don’t hesitate to reach out whenever you are ready to continue practicing your English. Have a good meal!